My journey into photography began after a backpack trip to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I brought along a Kodak Instamatic to document our hike, after we got home I was very unhappy with the pictures I took, none of them conveyed the beauty of the canyon. It was at that moment I decided to learn how to photograph. I purchased a 35mm camera and my adventure began. I remember seeing Ansel Adams image of Clearing Winter Storm in Yosemite and was so inspired by how beautiful it was. I studied masters like Ansel Adams and Eloit Porter and any photographic information I could get my hands on. Slowly my work started looking like real images, I moved up to medium format and then on to large format 4x5 ( I now also use digital). The 4x5 camera is a fine tool I use it faithfully, it has helped me refine my personnel style and be more selective about my images. My film background has made it so much more easy for me to use my digital camera and get good images. I think all students of photography should have knowledge of film.

The experience of being out in the environment is not just about getting "THE IMAGE" its the adventure of getting there, who you are there with, time of year and weather. Its all part of the great adventure of photography.
Mother Nature is not easy to capture, when the light and composition come together for a great image I feel the magic of the moment inspire me. Sometimes I have to return many times to a location to get an image, at other times its being in the right place at the right time. It is all about the light

I hope that those who view my images have the feeling of being there, being able walk into an image is always inspiring.

I hope my images bring you peace and inspiration. Bill La Brie 2014